I don’t put a lot of stock in college rankings in US News and other publications. The formulas are too contrived, too subject to manipulation and present too great a temptation for institutions to misplace priorities in order to rank higher.

They can distort high education much as over emphasis on standardized testing has distorted elementary and secondary education, with school systems requiring teachers to teach for the test rather than teaching kids and inspiring creativity. But I am not running for public office and this is not a blog post about educational policy in America.

While I generally disdain

How to be fairly paid for a spinal cord injury in Georgia.

In our law practice over several decades , we have represented numerous SCI survivors. Most had benefited from rehabilitation services at Shepherd Center or Emory Rehabilitation Hospital, both of which are near us in Atlanta. All of these clients were injured in motor vehicle crashes or falls. One client who had been a high-powered government executive before an accident made him  quadriplegic initially  wanted to just turn his face to the wall and die, but after rehab he used funds from his settlement to equip himself to write

If you have a non-catastrophic injury in a car or truck accident, or if you are helping someone who has a more serious injury, here are ten things to do after the crash.

  1. Call 911. Even if the other driver begs you not to call the police and offers immediate cash payment, call the police. Do not let the other driver talk you out of it. Give the officer accurate and detailed information about what happened They will create an accident report, which can be valuable for insurance claims and legal purposes.
    Obtain a copy of the police report

How to get paid fairly for a broken nose in Atlanta, Georgia.

Car and truck accidents, as well as falls, can cause a wide range of injuries, some of which can be particularly severe. One area of the body that is often affected in these types of accidents is the nose. Nasal trauma can vary in severity, from minor bruises and cuts to severe fractures and permanent impairment.

The mechanism of nasal injury typically involves a sudden impact to the face, which can occur in a number of ways. For example, in a car or truck accident, the nose can

Chances are you or a member of your family will be involved in a car wreck someday. When it happens, you need to know what to do in the event of an auto accident. Print this out and keep it in your glove compartment to refer to if you are involved in a motor vehicle collision.

Long before the event that we all hope to avoid, be prepared.  Keep in your car a camera (cell phone or disposable), flash light, pad, pen, and reflective triangles or emergency flares. Print a copy of this accident information form.
