Time limits for personal injury and wrongful death claims in Georgia.

In Georgia, the standard limitation period for filing a personal injury lawsuit is two years, with a four-year limit for loss of consortium claim by the spouse of the injured person.

O.C.G.A. § 9-3-33 states provides a two year time limit for filing personal injury lawsuits in general, a one year limitation for injuries to reputation, and a four year limit for loss of marital consortium. However, there are many exceptions. An experienced personal injury lawyers can help you navigate the rules to avoid traps for the unwary.

Time limit for filing suit is suspended until criminal charges against the

I don’t put a lot of stock in college rankings in US News and other publications. The formulas are too contrived, too subject to manipulation and present too great a temptation for institutions to misplace priorities in order to rank higher.

They can distort high education much as over emphasis on standardized testing has distorted elementary and secondary education, with school systems requiring teachers to teach for the test rather than teaching kids and inspiring creativity. But I am not running for public office and this is not a blog post about educational policy in America.

While I generally disdain

How to be fairly paid for a spinal cord injury in Georgia.

In our law practice over several decades , we have represented numerous SCI survivors. Most had benefited from rehabilitation services at Shepherd Center or Emory Rehabilitation Hospital, both of which are near us in Atlanta. All of these clients were injured in motor vehicle crashes or falls. One client who had been a high-powered government executive before an accident made him  quadriplegic initially  wanted to just turn his face to the wall and die, but after rehab he used funds from his settlement to equip himself to write

How to be fairly paid for post-concussion syndrome after injury in an accident.

A “minor brain injury” may be viewed as one that does not affect you or anyone in your family. Virtually any real brain injury, even if not readily apparent to bystanders, can be deeply disruptive in the lives of both the injured person and the entire family. Cognitive symptoms can involve difficulties with memory, concentration, and attention span. Emotional symptoms may include irritability, anxiety, depression, and mood swings. That is not minor.

However, head injuries that are not obviously catastrophic are not often taken very seriously.

If you have a non-catastrophic injury in a car or truck accident, or if you are helping someone who has a more serious injury, here are ten things to do after the crash.

  1. Call 911. Even if the other driver begs you not to call the police and offers immediate cash payment, call the police. Do not let the other driver talk you out of it. Give the officer accurate and detailed information about what happened They will create an accident report, which can be valuable for insurance claims and legal purposes.
    Obtain a copy of the police report

How to get paid fairly for a broken nose in Atlanta, Georgia.

Car and truck accidents, as well as falls, can cause a wide range of injuries, some of which can be particularly severe. One area of the body that is often affected in these types of accidents is the nose. Nasal trauma can vary in severity, from minor bruises and cuts to severe fractures and permanent impairment.

The mechanism of nasal injury typically involves a sudden impact to the face, which can occur in a number of ways. For example, in a car or truck accident, the nose can

“Eyes are the window to the soul” is a common expression. More practically, eyes provide our windows to the world around us. The eye is a delicate and complex organ that is responsible for gathering visual information and sending it to the brain for processing. Eyes allow us to connect with our surroundings, relate to other people, stay safe, and help maintain the sharpness of our connections with the world.

Thus, traumatic eye injuries can have a significant impact on an individual’s life, both physically and emotionally. Such eye injuries can range from minor scratches to severe damage that can

The femur (thigh bone), extending from the hip to the knee, is the strongest and longest
bone in the human body. Because it is so strong, in relatively young people it usually requires a great deal of kinetic force to break the femur shaft. That often happens in truck, car and motorcycle crashes. In older people with weaker bones, however, a fall may be sufficient to fracture of the femur, especially the neck of the femur where it joins the pelvis.

In our decades of representing badly injured Georgians, we have handled numerous femur fracture cases. In

Wrongful death claims in Georgia are necessarily emotional. When a family member is killed by someone else’s negligence, grieving survivors often have mixed feelings about filing a wrongful death lawsuit for that death. Certainly no amount of money can bring the departed loved one back. However, a monetary award is the only way that civil law has to recognize the value of the life, compensate for the death, and penalize the party at fault.

Skillful legal advocacy in a wrongful death case can generate funds to care for the family’s real needs and with which the family may appropriately memorialize

You are a great lawyer in your area of practice. You are also smart enough to know when a big case may require prompt action outside your comfort zone.

Just as a trial lawyer may not feel comfortable handling a complex real estate, divorce or estate planning matter, a great lawyer in those fields may not want to risk a client’s rights by trying to figure out how to handle a catastrophic truck crash case.

When you get a call from a friend or client that a family member has been killed or seriously injured in a crash with a