An explosion at G&S Metals, which processes aluminum scrap in Manchester, Ga., on the morning of Nov. 29 injured at least seven plant employees. No fatalities have been reported.  The explosion occurred about 8:45 a.m. Manchester is in Meriweather County about 60 miles south of Atlanta.

Approximately 20 employees were working at the plant  when an explosion tore siding and insulation from the rear of the building. The blast also broke natural gas lines leading to the plant, causing a fire that responders were able

to control and extinguish within 15 minutes. One report indicated officials believe the blast may have been caused by a boiler explosion.

Fire Chief Greg Lehtimaki said three of the injured employees suffered potentially life-threatening third-degree burns that cover at least 50 percent of their bodies. One of the injured victims is hospitalized in critical condition and two are in serious condition. Four other employees escaped with less severe injuries and were taken to area hospitals.

Questions may arise about manufacturing defects in the boiler versus mainteance issues. Workers in such situations are limited to rather inadquate workers compensation benefits unless a third party, such as an equipment manufacturer, is at fault.