RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
RSS (or Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based format for news content distribution. It is simple, fast, and light on your bandwidth. It does NOT require you to even visit our blog website unless you are interested in a particular headline and its summary. It empowers you to read and find the news you want. What software do you need?
To read and subscribe to RSS, you need a newsreader
software. These software are usually free (no charge) and take up very little
space on your machine (except for sophisticated versions which also allow
If you use Windows, consider
Viewer and Amphetadesk. If you use a Mac (OS X),
consider NetnewsWire Lite and Amphetadesk for
Some others include HotSheet, a Java 2 application that runs on
Windows, Mac, Linux and UNIX. Another application, Radio
UserLand, is an industrial strength newsreader and
For our blog sites, we suggest subscribing by:
- Click on “Syndicate this site” link. You may see a lot of plain text in your browser. DISREGARD the text.
- “COPY” the entire URL in your Web browser Address Bar.
- Click “Subscribe” button in your newsreader software.
- “PASTE” link into the “URL” column of the newsreader “Subscribe” dialog.
- Now you are all set for our RSS news feed!
- TIP: Our URLs have this nomenclature –
For other RSS sites, you may also:
- Visit one blog site and RIGHT-CLICK “Syndicate this feed”.
- Save the link to your hard disk.
- Click “Subscribe” button in your newsreader software.
- Copy link into the “URL” column of the newsreader “Subscribe” dialog.