Low back fracture injuries often arise from high-energy events such as car and truck crashes. We have seen hundreds of them in decades of personal injury law practice.

3d render human spine anatomy with pain symptoms – back view – Grayscale Image

A fracture of a vertebra in the low back (lumbar) region causes back pain, often severe, that is aggravated by movement. When low back fracture injuries involve teh spinal cord or nerves, there may also be bowel/bladder dysfunction, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the limbs.

When low back fractrue injuries are caused by high-energy trauma, the patient may also have a brain injury and lose consciousness. There may also be other injuries—called distracting injuries—that cause pain that overwhelms the back pain. In these cases, a vertebral fracture is likely.

These can take many forms including vertebral fractures, ruptured or bulging discs, and damage to nerves, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. A single injury can have aspects of any or all of these components.

There are several varieties of low back vertebral fractures:

Compression fractures

Compression fractures are small breaks in the vertebrae that reduce the height of the vertebra. The people most vulnerable to compression fractures of spinal vertebra are post-menopausal women with reduced bone density associated with osteoporosis. With tiny cracks in soft bone, one is more vulnerable to trauma causing collapse of the vertebra. Smokers are somewhat more at risk than non-smokers. Although this can happen without a major incident, an accident such as being rear-ended by another vehicle can suddenly change the condition from merely vulnerable to acutely painful and debilitating. A common form of compression fracture involves the collapse of the front side of the vertebra. That is called a wedge fracture.   Such compression fractures can lead to chronic pain, height loss, disfigurement, impaired activities of daily living, increased risk of pressure sores, and the depression and psychological distress that commonly accompany chronic pain and loss of quality of life.

Burst low back fracture injuries

A more severe form of compression fracture is the burst fracture, which occurs when a vertebral body spread out in all directions. The increased severity is due to a couple of factors. First, bony fragments spread out in all directions bruising the spinal cord, potentially causing paralysis or other neurologic injuries. Second, when the entire margin of the vertebral body is crushed the spine is much less stable than in a wedge-type compression fracture. Burst fractures, especially in older people with brittle bones in whom it is difficult to attach plates and screws to bone, are often treated with vertebroplasty. That involves injection of bone cement into the damaged vertebra for stability and support of the spine. We have seen this most often in older women rear-ended by large trucks.

 Chance fractures / flexion-extension seat belt fractures

Named after the British radiologist who first defined it in 1948, a Chance fracture is an unstable spine fracture, usually at T10-L2, the thoracolumbar junction. About half of all spinal injuries outside of the cervical spine are this part of the spine. It is a type of flexion-extension fracture because the upper body is thrown forward, typically in a head-on collision,  while the pelvis is stabilized only  by a lap seat belt.  It is also called a  “seatbelt fracture” because it often occurs when, upon sudden deceleration, the spine forcefully bends over the lap seat belt which serves as a fulcrum, resulting in the separation of the middle and posterior elements of the spine. This was seen more often before shoulder harnesses became common.

CT and MRI scans are essential in the diagnosis and are called for when there is seatbelt bruising after a motor vehicle crash. This is a horizontal fracture extending from posterior to anterior through the spinous process, pedicles, and vertebral body. A Chance fracture is an unstable horizontal fracture extending from posterior to anterior through the spinous process, pedicles, and vertebral body. However, in about half of Chance fractures there are also concurrent intraabdominal injuries, especially spleen, bowel and bladder ruptures. Early recognition of this injury is critical as a delay in diagnosis significantly impacts clinical outcomes, but unfortunately, emergency physicians can easily overlook Chance fractures on clinical exam because patients may present without initial neurological deficits. Treatment often involves stabilization with a brace or cast, though more severe cases with neurological symptoms may are stabilized surgically.

Rotation low back fracture injuries

This less common fracture results from rotation of the low back  or extreme sideways (lateral) bending. With rotation fracture-dislocation, both bone and soft tissue around a vertebra are injured, often resulting in spinal cord compression. Treatment involves surgery to stabilize the spine, generally with places, screws, rods or cages.

Permanent Impairments after Low Back Fracture Injuries

Most lumbar spine fracture injuries involve an impairment rating under the American Medical Association Guides to Evaluation of Permanent Impairment.   Physical impairment as rated under this system is not the same thing as occupational disability. A person with a relatively low impairment rating may be completely disabled from a physically demanding occupation. But a person with the same physical impairment rating may be fully capable of doing an office job. We may also consider evaluation by a vocational rehabilitation expert to evaluate real-world disability.

If you or a loved one have suffer ed a low back fracture injury, call us at 404-253-7862.

Johnson & Ward has been a leading personal injury and wrongful death specialty law firm in Atlanta since 1949.

Ken Shigley, senior counsel at Johnson & Ward, is a former president of the State Bar of Georgia (2011-12). He was the first Georgia lawyer to earn three board certifications from the National Board of Trial Advocacy (Civil Trial Advocacy, Civil Pretrial Advocacy, and Truck Accident Law). In 2019, he received the Traditions of Excellence Award for lifetime achievement. Mr. Shigley was lead author of  eleven editions of Georgia Law of Torts: Trial Preparation and Practice (Thomson Reuters, 2010-21). He graduated from Furman University and Emory University Law School.